Veganbond: Promoting Vegan Lifestyle With Meat Substitutes

Veganbond: Promoting Vegan Lifestyle With Meat Substitutes

The pandemic proved that our society could change drastically when they could sense the urgent need to do so in the face of an actual threat. Thus, the society is definitely capable of changing their eating habit and adopt a new norm by either consuming no meat or consuming less of it.


The pandemic proved that our society could change drastically when they could sense the urgent need to do so in the face of an actual threat. Thus, the society is definitely capable of changing their eating habit and adopt a new norm by either consuming no meat or consuming less of it.

Fresh food is important for vegetarians and vegans. So I hope you will consider providing recipe packs to help people use their own materials, rather than dried and packaged stuff.

There is certainly a great need for this - mostly by way of education and example.

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